What's Hamlet doing in my Mabinogi? [Official Mabinogi site]”In today's Friday fun edition of the daily Kotaku science post, scientists in Israel make women cry and then make men smell their tears. Surely that's got to be fun for somebody.Making women cry is something that men do on a regular basis, often without any idea how or why they are replica Omega 1362.70 Ladie's watch doing it. A team of researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, were well aware of the hows and whys when they subjected a pair of women to sad films in order to harvest their sweet, sweet tears.
They wanted to see how the tears smelled.More precisely, they wanted to see how the scent of female tears affected male arousal. It's the sort of experiment men have been running for centuries, only this time Noam Sobel and colleagues were getting paid for it, weren't being complete jerks, and remembered to record the results.The replica Omega 1362.30 Ladie's watch researchers soaked some pieces of cotton with the tears, while another batch was soaked with saline solution. A group of 24 men were then asked to rate the ual attractiveness of a series of photographs depicting female faces while the cotton was held under their noses.
The men were so harsh with their critiques that the photos began to cry.Okay that didn't happen. What did happen was the men smelling real female tears rated the attractiveness of the pictures lower than the men that had only been sniffing saline.Interesting results, but the researchers weren't finished! Thy took those men replica Omega 1267.75 Ladie's watch made them watch a sad movie (Ishtar, perhaps?), measuring their testosterone levels as the films progressed. They found that testosterone levels dropped, but only in those men that had been sniffing female tears during the movie.