
Mulberry Roxanne are now the best selling UK designer handbag brand

There are also others who opt for replicas, which basically look like the original versions. The only difference is that they are way cheaper. An original Murakami handbag costs around $5, 000.Nevertheless, whether you are looking for a replica or an original, you can use the following choices to help you pick the right handbag:Marilyn OrInspired by Marilyn Monroe, this handbag is sultry, sophisticated, classy, and eternal. Thus, it is the perfect companion for a lovely evening date or a formal function. It features press-lock closure to fully secure the contents of the bag. The chain strap is made from golden leather, while the canvas is monogram multicolore. The linings are microfiber.Inspired by Marylin Monroe, the luxurious Marilyn Or is ideal for evenings: original press lock closure, golden chain with Monogram Multicolore canvas signed by the artist, Takashi Murakami.

It can also be easily hand-carried. It measures no more than 10 inches. Moreover, to make it more feminine, there is a hint of pink on the bag.Speedy 30If you are looking for a much bigger and functional bag, this one is it. It also follows the typical LV Speedy bag, which means it has enough space to hold a lot of your valuables. It features clear finishes made of metallic pieces, while the inner lining comes from alcantara.In a traditional Murakami fashion, the canvas is multicolore and with the LV monogram logo.Radley bags may not be as well known as other designer handbag manufacturers such as Gucci, Fendi, Coach, Louis Vuitton etc... but since the company was created in 1998 it has grown in popularity regularly every year since, and Radley bags are now the best selling UK designer handbag brand.

Mulberry Alexa
Mulberry Bayswater
Mulberry Roxanne