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But don't think these little wonders are limited to your handbag, no these organizers can quickly move to your carry-on during airplane rides (which means your essentials will never leave your side!) and right into a briefcase or laptop bag. The chic and charming Black Dragonfly Teenie Transfer Bag for instance combines fashion with practicality in a fanciful design. The places the Teenie can go are virtually limitless. Just think how easy it would be to transfer the bag from your briefcase to your gym bag to your backpack to purse again. You'll never be left wondering where you left your cell phone or what items you need to remember to move from one bag to another.

While the Teenie might be perfect for the working woman, the Mommy Transfer Bag Collection is designed with one woman in mind and that's the busy mom on the go. The Mommy Transfer brings the word "multi-tasking" to new heights, with an array of compartments and pouches meant for everything a momma on the move might need. Move it from the diaper bag to the gym tote without missing a beat. After all, don't moms already have enough to do in their day? Switching purses shouldn't be one of them.

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